Green is Gold

Green is Gold | The Nature Conservancy brings nature into the classroom

The Portland Timbers and The Nature Conservancy's (TNC) reach extends from the soccer pitch to the classroom as they connect with the community, providing environmental education support for teachers and students in Oregon.

The Portland Timbers and The Nature Conservancy's (TNC) reach extends from the soccer pitch to the classroom. Through the Green is Gold platform, the Timbers and TNC aim to raise awareness and educate on the topics of nature conservation and biodiversity loss in our community and across our state.

In an effort to enlighten and empower youth to look after our environment, TNC has compiled education resources and made them available to teachers and students in Oregon, just in time for the new school year! Through their official website, TNC presents Nature Lab, an interactive and engaging space for educators and students with virtual field trips and a range of activities that allow students to travel and explore the world without leaving the classroom.

Nature Lab

Recognized with an Anthem Award and a Telly Award for video content and learning modules that raise awareness about the challenges facing the natural world, Nature Lab is TNC's youth curriculum platform and its content focuses on teaching the many ways to help preserve our environment. Ranging from learning about endangered animals to protecting our oceans, teachers and students alike can dive into lessons and activities that over 1,000 TNC scientist and researchers have contributed to.

Among Nature Lab's most engaging and popular content are virtual field trips. Whether it be in our own communities or half-way across the world, TNC's virtual field trips takes students out of the classroom, without having to leave it. Consisting of fun and engaging teacher guides, activities, and videos, Virtual Field Trips are a great tool that helps give students a closer look at the environmental efforts happening all around the globe.

One lesson that is currently available from Nature Lab is Working Trees: Reforestation and Responsible Forestry, highlighting efforts to conduct reforestation and responsible forestry. Students can explore responsible forest management while learning about key science concepts related to ecosystems and environmental sustainability, with the goal of gaining insights into conservation and environmental stewardship.

As the Nature Unites kit represents our state's wonderful and lush flora in collaboration with TNC, it's crucial that Oregon's youth learn about our local ecosystems and native trees. Fans can download the Nature Unites Us Coloring Pages to learn more about Oregon's native trees that inspired the jersey art.