We've been talking about the Best Matches and Best Goal Celebrations of the 2012 season and those all certainly were memorable moments in their own right. But we wanted to focus on the little things, those little moments that you remember long after they've finished.
We picked out a handful that remain memorable. Which match do you think was the best of the bunch? Have your say in the poll by 11:59pm PT Nov. 4 and we'll announce the winner on Monday, Nov. 5.
<br><strong>The Timbers Army sings the National Anthem prior to the March 12, 2012 match vs. Philadelphia Union</strong><br>
The 2012 First Kick 3-1 win also happens to be up for Best Match but it all got started with a memorable National Anthem sung at top volume by the Timbers Army. |
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<br><b>The Tifo on display on June 24, 2012 vs. Seattle Sounders</b><br>
The match was memorable for many moments--the win, the two goal celebrations, and much more. But the table was set when the Timbers Army unfurled a gigantic banner draped across the entire North End. |
<img alt="" src="https://portland-mp7static.mlsdigital.net/mp6/Portland_Seattle_CM017_1.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 169px; "> |
<br><strong>The Tifo on display August 25, 2012 vs. Vancouver Whitecaps</strong><br>
The North End was again awash with color and activity as the Timbers Army created a massive recreation of the Cascadia Flag. |
<img alt="" src="https://portland-mp7static.mlsdigital.net/mp6/150748179.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 169px; "> |
<br><strong>The raising of the Cascadia Cup, October 21, 2012 @ Vancouver Whitecaps</strong><br>
Yes, we all know the win was one of the best of the year. But the actual physical raising of the Cascadia Cup in front of the traveling Timbers Army was a sight to behold. |
<img alt="" src="https://portland-mp7static.mlsdigital.net/mp6/Timbers_Vancouver_CM25.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 169px; "> |