What. A. Week! Yes. As I'm reflecting back on the last half of our Arizona preseason training trip, and the whole adventure in its entirety, the word YES is just so fitting. Yes, we trained hard. Yes, we improved. Yes, we pushed ourselves. Yes, we won games. Yes, we bonded. Yes, we laughed. Yes, it was at
Our time in Tucson was so rich for the team. During the second half of our week away, we reached new levels as a unit. Training days were quality and sharp, from our passing patterns to our finishing.
We had rad shooting competitions: players versus goalkeepers with plastic life-sized 'dummies' strategically placed in and around the 18 yard box... six players, each take four shots, seven-plus rounds, one goalkeeper. Uh huh, your math is correct, that is over 150 shots on one breathing human. It was phenomenal, our keepers were diving around like ninjas, standing on their heads to make miraculous saves. It was quite a spectacle. Even though we were in the heat of competition (and an In-N-Out milkshake on the line), I couldn't help but cheer for them. Look at these adorable (exhausted) faces right here. #KeepersUnion

The work load for everyone was a push mentally and physically. I asked one of our new young bucks Alyssa Kleiner to describe the trip in one word if she could, her answer: persevering. With temperatures in Tucson reaching a record high, we battled back with focus and, hydrationnnnn.
and I crushed a case of water in a day like NBD (no big deal).

On Saturday night we played U of A, earning a 6-0 victory
. We showed even better than our previous game. The team is really becoming quite a force to be reckoned with, seeing our ability to score goals, our quality in the back and our creativity in play makes us an exciting bunch to watch!
It was a long week. We gave it all we had. We're returning home successful. We're tired.

The Thorns are undoubtedly returning home to Portland in stronger, better shape in preparation for our 2015 season blast off April 11th at Providence Park! Can't wait to see you all there for GO time!!
p.s. Shoutout to those Thorns fans who traveled to AZ to support us! That is so big time, your dedication and support makes us a better squad!