Widmer Brothers is one of Oregon's most prominent brewing companies, and one of the first you think of when speaking to Portland's nationally-recognized beer scene. They're also a partner of the Timbers, and as the team celebrates both 40 years in existence and five in MLS this season, Kurt and Rob Widmer have dedicated four matches to our history.
During four matches against Vancouver, New England at Seattle, Widmer will give out commemorative cups to the first 2,000 fans to buy a Hefeweizen.
Additionally, you will be able to buy 500 cups during each game at pubs around the stadium.
The cups come with players from specific eras in the Timbers history.
May 2 will kick off the series with players from the NASL: Clive Charles, John Bain and Mick Hoban grace the classic Widmer Brother yellow heavy-duty cup.
There will also be a special surprise at the first match against Vancouver ...
That's right, the brothers Widmer will be in the south end enjoying the match with thirsty fans.